Harms of smoking and its effects on human health

smoking and its harm to health

Nicotine addiction is more of a scientific term for cigarette addiction. Some use it to cope with stress, others smoke for the sake of company. These reasons allow cigarettes to take a strong place in human life, causing great harm to biological systems.

The psychology of smoking

Nicotine addiction is a psychological problem that requires not only quitting smoking as a solution, but also addressing one’s deeper feelings. No matter what hardcore smokers say, this bondage can still be cured, and to get rid of it, you need to have strong resilience or find someone you can go to for such action.

The pros and cons of smoking

The harms of smoking are known to everyone. Parents talk about this to their growing children, teachers at schools and universities warn, some at work. A healthy lifestyle is actively promoted in the media. The main harm of this addiction is the irreversible changes in the human body, and not for its good.

Tobacco affects almost all organs and functions of a person. These are the respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, brain, liver and kidneys. Cigarettes leave an unpleasant odor, can cause cancer, yellow teeth and irritate the eyes. This is not a complete list of the consequences of smoking, but not everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking.

The financial component can also be observed, as the average cost of a cigarette is comparable to the cost of a packet of milk and a loaf of bread. The benefits of smoking for some people are the ability to maintain conversation or fill pauses in communication, calm down in stressful situations, look older or more respectful, but this is a dubious advantage that can be achieved without smoking, as opposed to the undeniable harm.

Smoking and its effects on human health

Do you know why smoking is dangerous? As already mentioned, its negative impact on human health. Moreover, this effect is not on individual organs, but in aggregate on the whole organism. The human nervous system is severely affected, as it is the most important, but at the same time the most vulnerable. Cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances-isotopes Cesium, Radon, Lead-210 and Polonium-210. It is not only harmful to the human body, it is even dangerous.

cigarette burning and nicotine harm

Effects of smoking on the cardiovascular system

By understanding how smoking affects the heart, you can figure out how to quit smoking. Under the influence of tobacco, vasoconstriction occurs, metabolism slows down, and the oxygen supply in the blood decreases sharply, plaques form. Blood clotting may increase, causing blood clots. Smokers have an increased risk of myocardial infarction or coronary artery disease.

Effects of smoking on the brain

Why nicotine is harmful to the human brain - the influence of tobacco is not felt immediately, at first the body itself tries to fight off external influences. Over time, the biological system weakens, memory begins to decline, concentration of attention decreases. Any simple task becomes a heavy burden on the mind of the smoker. There are constant headaches and fatigue, loss of strength.

The harm of smoking lies in its ability to cause vasoconstriction, which affects blood circulation in the brain. It slows down, and less oxygen enters the brain - this is the cause of cell death in the nervous system. In addition to all this, a person can become hot tempered and irritable, which will lead to damage to the nervous system.

Effects of smoking on the respiratory system

The effects of smoking on the lungs are most direct. Tobacco smoke with tar enters the bronchi, contaminating and irritating their mucous membranes. A cough appears, which over time can develop into chronic. Oxygen supply is reduced and respiratory function of the lungs is reduced. Shortness of breath may appear. The effects of smoking on the lungs can trigger cancer or emphysema. Chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and asthma are frequent companions for smokers.

How does smoking affect potency?

According to doctors, the complex effects of tobacco on the nervous and cardiovascular systems cause erectile dysfunction. Smoking and potency in men are directly related. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke affect sperm quality and sperm count as well as increase the risk of impotence. Without thinking about the above factors, one continues to smoke and mistakenly believes that smoking and male potential are not related in any way.

Smoking and the pancreas

Smoking in diabetes may not show any external signs of harmful effects, but at the same time, global changes are taking place in the body: the occurrence of Graves ’disease associated with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is possible. This phenomenon occurs because harmful components through the blood enter the thyroid gland. Oncology of the thyroid gland is one of the rarest diseases that can be treated.

Effects of smoking on teeth

The effects of smoking on the body as a whole are very noticeable. Teeth are no exception. Smoking reduces the rate of wound healing in the mouth and triggers the development of diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa, such as:

  • caries;
  • dark or yellow plaques on teeth and foul -smelling breath;
  • the appearance of dry mouth taste with a further decrease in the number of salivary glands, persistent burning sensation and changes in taste;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa - the appearance of ulcers and erosions;
  • dark spots on the oral mucosa - melanosis;
  • lip disease - leukokeratosis:
  • nicotine stomatitis and leukoplakia.
smoking patterns and their effects on health

Passive smoking and its effects on the body

According to some reports, cigarette smoke leaves more dangerous consequences than smoking real cigarettes. The worst thing is that there is no way to prove it to smokers on the street. They don’t see a smoking ban in public places being introduced, so the problem is still unresolved. Ordinary people passing by, including small children and pregnant women, cannot be protected from it. Passive smokers often replace regular cigarettes for those who want to quit smoking, but it is not known which of the two lower disadvantages.

Nicotine addiction - consequences

The consequences of smoking can manifest themselves not only in a person’s health, but also in his or her psychological or emotional state. After the first cigarette, an irreversible addiction to nicotine can be found. The situation is exacerbated by stress, problems in the family and at work, and financial instability. With the help of a cigarette, some people relax, forget about difficulties, or withdraw into themselves. With his absence in a depressed state, one can become aggressive.

The dangers of smoking are described above: this is a violation of basic functions of the human body, premature aging of organs, increased risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and the appearance of malignant neoplasms - a direct sign of cancer. When starting to smoke, it is important to remember that addiction can lead to irreversible consequences, damaging the biological system as a whole.

Facts about the dangers of smoking

Cigarettes have been around for over 6 centuries. In addition to information on legitimate harmful factors, there are some interesting facts about smoking. For example, a little history:

  • the first mention of the cigarette resemblance was in the late 15th century - among Indians in the Caribbean islands;
  • in Europe in the 19th century during the war, tobacco wrapped in casings was widespread;
  • in the United States in the late 19th century, a cigarette-making machine appeared;
  • large stocks of cigarettes were supplied during World War II, thanks to which smoking became more popular, and with the advent of cinema, cigarettes did not require advertising at all.
smoldering cigarettes and the dangers of nicotine

Consider the dangers of smoking in the amount of:

  • but according to some reports, smoke from a cigarette contains at least 96 toxic substances, 69 of which are carcinogenic;
  • about 5. 5 million people die each year from diseases caused by smoking;
  • the risk of heart attack in smokers is 4 times higher than in people who have quit smoking;
  • about 25% of male smokers experience erection problems with age;
  • about 40% of women who smoke experience infertility.

Hopefully this interesting fact about smoking will make smokers change their minds about the addiction. This can be done on the third Thursday in November - the international day for no smoking. The main thing to keep in mind is that nicotine is a slow -acting drug, but causes great harm to the human body as a whole. Remember the dangers of smoking and don’t succumb to weakness for a while.